TKO® Engine Oil Treatment

Grouped product items
SKU Unit Weight/Size Qty
001461 1 GAL, 4 EA
001479 5 GAL
001438 1 PT, 12 EA

Boosts motor oil performance

TKO Advanced Performance is a new formulation that fortifies convention and most synthetic, semi-synthetic, and parasynthetic engine oils to improve their durability and performance. It may be used with both gasoline and diesel engine oils.

Add 1 pint per 5 quarts (1 pint per 6 quarts for systems holding more than 10 quarts) of motor oil at every oil change for better lubricity, reduced sludge and varnish build up and film strength to help your engine run cleaner and longer.

What are the benefits of TKO Advanced Performance?

  • Improves oil viscosity, lubricity and film strength

  • Help keep engines running cleaner, quieter and longer

  • Provides additional anti-corrosion properties

  • Improves oil detergency and minimizes gum, sludge and varnish deposits

  • Reduces oil consumption and improves its high temperature performance

  • Extends engine oil life

  • Increases thermal stability and durability

  • For use with conventional, and most synthetic, semi-synthetic and parasynthetic engine oils

When using TKO Advanced Performance, I noticed a slight increase in oil consumption, is this normal?

The increase in oil consumption is a result of the sludge and deposits burning off. This may occur when initially using TKO. After the initial oil change, the oil consumption should begin to taper off.

How do I use TKO Advanced Performance?

Simply add 1 pint of TKO Advanced Performance per 5 quarts of engine oil. For systems holding more than 10 quarts of engine oil, add 1 pint per every 6 quarts of engine oil. Do not exceed 2 treatments per oil change.

TKO Advanced Performance is for use in internal combustion engines only. And can be used with every oil change.

How do I convert to Convoy motor oil?

  • If your vehicle has less that 20,000 miles on it, switch directly to Convoy motor oil.

  • If your vehicle has 20,000 to 100,000 miles on it, run TKO Advanced Performance with the current oil (other than Convoy motor oil) for 3,000 miles before switching to Convoy.

  • For vehicles or engines with over 100,000 miles, it may be necessary to run TKO advanced formula for more than one oil change interval as greater amounts of sludge, varnish and deposits may have formed.

Can TKO Advanced Performance be used with all motor oils including synthetic motor oils?

Yes, TKO can be used with conventional and most synthetic, semi-synthetic and parasynthetic engine oils. Check the competitive synthetic motor oil label for cautionary statements regarding use of additives.

Can I extend the oil change interval with using TKO Advanced Performance?

Conklin recommends following the manufacturers oil change intervals, especially while under warranty. Once the warranty has expired, oil change intervals may be extended and Conklin recommends using used oil analysis to determine the appropriate oil change interval. Conklin further suggests changing the oil filter at the manufacturers recommended change intervals.

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TKO Engine Oil Treatment Spec Sheet,vehicle products,specifications,001404,001453,001438,001461,001479,001495
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TKO msds,technical bulletin,1404,1438,1453,1461,1479,1495,001404,001438,001453,001461,001479,001495
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