Guardian-DL 15-0-0

Grouped product items
SKU Unit Weight/Size
041644 2.5 GAL, 2 EA
041648 250 GAL

Acres treated per container at 2-quart band application rate:

5-gallon twin pack treats 10 acres (Guardian-L treated 13.3 acres).

250-gallon mini bulk treat 500 acres (Guardian-L treated 666.6 acres).

Guardian-DL 15-0-0 is a slowly available nitrogen suspension fertilizer for use as an additive to improve the utilization of nitrogen in fluid fertilizers such as suspensions, urea solutions, urea ammonium nitrates (UAN) and liquid manures. Guardian-DL 15-0-0 is a short-term alternative to Conklin’s Guardian-L that is currently unavailable due to raw material shortages. Guardian-DL will be offered for the 2022 growing season.

Comprised of ammoniacal nitrogen and water-soluble nitrogen, which is derived from dicyandiamide (DCD) and ammonium thiosulfate (ATS), Guardian-DL 15-0-0 will help keep nitrogen in the root zone longer for greater nitrogen uptake, allowing for increased plant uptake and reduced nitrogen rates of up to 20%.

Use 2 quarts per acre for band and soil injection applications and 3-4 quarts per acre for broadcast applications. See the product label for complete directions.

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