Logo Library


One of the advantages of being a Conklin Independent Distributor is that you have been granted limited rights to use the Conklin name, logo and product names in your advertising and marketing efforts. These trademarks are valuable corporate assets that we protect with clear policies, instructions for use and trademark law. Following are instructions for using them correctly. Thank you for your cooperation!


Always represent yourself as a Conklin Independent Distributor to clearly show that you are a separate legal entity and not a representative of the corporation.Maintaining a clear separation is a legal obligation that is part of your Distributor Agreement.

Use the official Conklin Independent Distributor logo in all of your publications. These logos are available below.

If you don't have an official Conklin Distributor logo, just ensure that whenever you use a Conklin logo or the company name, you must also add the words "Independent Distributor."


Never use the Conklin name, or the name of any Conklin brands such as AgroVantage® or Fastrack®, as any part of your website address, email address or in a way that suggests it is the name of your business.If you do, you will be asked to abandon those URLs, email addresses and to change your advertising.

Limited use of Conklin trademarks

Conklin pre-approved flyers, business cards, and brochures may be distributed. They are available on Conklin Central, the information center for Independent Distributors.

The Conklin name and other trademarks are the exclusive property of the Conklin Company.You have limited license to use these trademarks as an Independent Distributor. It is important that these trademarks be used correctly. Refer to the company literature (i.e., Master Catalog) to ensure that you’ve properly referenced each of the products in any business material you produce.

  • If the Conklin name or logo is used in any form to promote your business, it may only be used in the following manner: with the words Independent Distributor in Arial Bold and 50 percent in height of the Conklin logo
  • White and Yellow Pages advertisements are to be limited to contain only the words “Independent Distributor” (Independent  Distributor's name) and a telephone number. Independent Distributors are not permitted to list their "800" telephone numbers using just the Conklin trade name. Independent Distributors may establish an "800" listing, however, it must be stated as follows: Name of Business, Conklin Independent Distributor.
  • Independent Distributors may not answer the telephone by saying Conklin in any manner that would lead the caller to believe that they have reached the corporate offices of Conklin.
  • Conklin’s logo must always appear with the registered trademark designation (®) and superscript at 30 percent of font size.
  • If Conklin’s logo or name is used, the advertisement, business card or letterhead must also contain the words “Independent Distributor. ” If there are questions about name and logo usage, Distributors should emaileditor@conklin.com or call the Corporate Office at (816) 236-6200.
  • Distributors should allow Conklin a minimum of five business days, upon receipt of the material, to complete its review of submitted printed materials/Internet and/or seven days for audio/video materials.
  • Conklin reserves the right to deny approval for any proposed sales aid and, if changes in regulatory requirements or other circumstances so dictate, to require the removal from the marketplace of previously reviewed sales aids.
  • URL and email addresses cannot contain the Conklin name or product names. This includes but is not limited to any part of the domain name or sub-directory names.

Conklin Logos

For normal use, download the 7-Line version of the Conklin Logo. For smaller applications, use the 5-Line version. Each logo is available in blue or black,and in several common file formats. JPGs are to be used on the internet, while PDFs and EPSs are suitable for printing. Conklin blue is PMS280.

Standard Blue Logo (seven line) pdf| eps*| jpg
Standard Black Logo (seven line) pdf| eps*| jpg
Small Print Blue Logo (five line) pdf| eps*| jpg
Small Print Black Logo (five line) pdf| eps*| jpg

Conklin Independent Distributor Logos

Conklin Independent Distributor logos should be used whenever identifying an individual Independent Distributor or an Independent Distributor's business.

Blue Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
Black Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
White Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
Blue Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg
Black Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg
White Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg

Conklin Roofing Systems 45th Anniversary Logo

JPGs are to be used on the internet, while PDFs and EPSs are suitable for printing. Conklin Roofing red is PMS200.

Conklin Roofing Systems 45th Anniversary Logo epspng | jpg | pdf

Conklin AgroVantage® Logo Lockups

A Logo "Lockup" is the standard format preferred when using two brand names together. The AgroVantage logo should always be used in conjunction with the Conklin logo and should not stand alone. Both stacked versions and in-line versions are provided for use in different applications. These logos may also be used in all-black or all-white.

For normal use, download the 7-Line version. For smaller applications, use the 5-Line version. Each logo is available in blue or black, and in several common file formats. JPGs are to be used on the internet, while PDFs and EPSs are suitable for printing. AgroVantage green is PMS341.

Conklin AgroVantage Standard Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin AgroVantage Small Print (five line) Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin AgroVantage Standard Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin AgroVantage Small Print (five line) Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin AgroVantage "Grain Auger" Graphic pdf

AgroVantage® 35th Anniversary Logos

Print Material: The following logos are approved for print materials. Colors must not be altered. The AgroVantage color is PMS-341.

Conklin AgroVantage 35th Anniversary (print)  pdf | eps* | jpg

Conklin Fastrack® Logo Lockups

A Logo "Lockup" is the standard format preferred when using two brand names together. The Fastrack logo should always be used in conjunction with the Conklin logo and should not stand alone. Both stacked versions and in-line versions are provided for use in different applications. These logos may be used in all-black or all-white. If you are doing a full color design, The Fastrack orange may be used as a primary color in the layout, but the logo is always black or white. The Fastrack orange is PMS-130. (0,30,100,0 - CMYK or #FF9933 Web)

For normal use, download the 7-Line version. For smaller applications, use the 5-Line version. Each logo is available in blue or black, and in several common file formats. JPGs are to be used on the internet, while PDFs and EPSs are suitable for printing.

Conklin Fastrack Standard Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin Fastrack Small Print (five line) Stacked pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin Fastrack Standard Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg
Conklin Fastrack Small Print (five line) Horizontal pdf| eps*| jpg

Fastrack® 35th Anniversary Logos

The following logo is approved for apparel. The Conklin five-stripe logo must also be included on any piece of apparel when the 35th Anniversary logo is used. The 35th Anniversary logo and the Conklin logo do not have to be embroidered on the same location on the article of clothing (i.e. the 35th Anniversary logo can go on the front of a hat and the Conklin logo can go across the back). The 35th Anniversary logo must be printed in the color shown (Fastrack orange is PMS-130).

Conklin Fastrack 35th Anniversary logo (embroidery) pdf 

Fastrack® - 'We Use and Recommend Conklin Fastrack Products' Advertising Graphic

The following 'BUGs' are provided to tag advertising materials for companies that wish to promote the Fastrack product. They are provided with a few product options and also the logo at the center. The ones with black type should go on a white or light background. The ones with the white type should go on a darker background.

Fastrack 5 lb. Bag/black type
Fastrack 5 lb. Bag/white type
Fastrack 8 lb. Pail/black type
Fastrack 8 lb. Pail/white type
Fastrack Fortifier/black type
Fastrack Fortifier/white type
Fastrack Logo/black type
Fastrack Logo/white type
Fastrack Logo/one color

*Note: EPS files will not open on most computers unless the proper software is installed. They are a file format frequently requested by printers and are therefore provided here. If a printer requests an EPS file, simply forward it to them.

Conklin Vehicle Products Logos

Conklin Vehicle Products Logo eps*| jpg
Conklin Vehicle Products Lubes Decal eps*| jpg
Conklin Vehicle Products RPM Logo eps*| jpg
Conklin Vehicle Products Logo, color eps* |  jpg| pdf

Copyright © 2025 Conklin Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.