Roofing System Documents
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Conklin Roofing Systems Commercial (.MOV Format)

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Conklin Roofing Systems Commercial (zipped)

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Conklin Roofing Systems Commercial(.MP4 Format)

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Roofing Systems Testimonial Sheet for Customers
Technical Documents

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Airless Spray Application Recommendations B-11-18-70 Tech Doc

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Approved Substrates for Conklin Roofing Systems B-12-88-17 Tech Doc

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Commercial Roofing System Identification B-10-18-70 Tech Doc

(Size: 761.4 KB)
Conklin Roofing Systems Technical Bulletin Commercial Roofing System Moisture Management

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Dry Adhesion Pull Test Procedures B-10-12-48 Tech Doc

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EQUINOX® Low Temperature Acrylic Coating Technical Bulletin

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Hail Damage Repairs for Conklin Roof Coatings B-10-34-48

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Material Guidelines - Coating Coverage Chart

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Recommendations for Repair of SPF (Spray Polyurethane Foam) Roof Systems Due to Hail and Wind-Driven Damage - SPFA-139

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Metal Building Thermal Bridging and Condensation B-01-05-4
Spec Sheets

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Wall Foam, Spray Foam, Envelope, Insulation

(Size: 501.9 KB)
Benchmark Top Coat Spec Sheet, technical bulletin, 36897,36905,37416,036897,036905,037416

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Concrete Coating System Specification Guide

(Size: 484.8 KB)
Conklin Activate HS Silicone Metal Roof Panel Installation Specification Guide

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DuPont™ Elvaloy® Modified CPA Single-Ply Membrane,technical bulletin.

(Size: 682.6 KB)
Single-Ply Recoating Systems Guide Specifications,fluid applied elastomeric latex roof system,recoating,EPDM,PVC,TPO,CSPE,CPA,modified bitumen,usage,application,applying,materials requirements,technical bulletin

(Size: 2.8 MB)
OUTPOST TPO Specification Spec Sheet

(Size: 353.8 KB)
Prime Time primer for Conklin acrylic coatings spec sheet,primetime,specs,6379,006379,6387,006387,6395,006395,roofing primers,primer,recoating,roofs,coating

(Size: 583.7 KB)
Rapid Roof III Roof Coating Spec Sheet, technical bulletin.

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Rust Off Rust & Oxide Remover Spec Sheet,technical bulletin,2555,2560,002555,002560

(Size: 1.3 MB)
BASF FE 348® 2.8 Series Spray Foam Spec Sheet,spf,roof coatings,coating,top coat,base,finish,Benchmark,Equinox,Kolor Kote,PUMA,Rapid Roof,III

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roofing specs,guide,specifications,insulation,foam,spf,spray foam,polyurethane,description,quality assurance,materials,preparation,field quality control

(Size: 227.4 KB)
Spunflex II Fabric Specification Data Sheet

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Tack Coat Single Ply Membrane Primer Spec Sheet,technical bulletin,40101,40113,040101,040113

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WAC II High Strength Roof Cleaner Spec Sheet,technical bulletin,40121,40125,040121,040125,weathered acrylic,recoating
Sales Aids

(Size: 129.7 KB)
Demo Sheet, Fabric-Reinforced, Benchmark, Rapid Roof III, PUMA XL, impact resistance

(Size: 153.2 KB)
Demo Sheet, Reflectivity, Benchmark, Rapid Roof III, PUMA XL

(Size: 122.7 KB)
Demo Sheet, Rust-Off, Rust, Oxide Remover, Rust Remover

(Size: 79.2 KB)
Affinity Yellow Color Pack Safety Data Sheet SDS

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Affinity Aliphatic Urethane Skylight and Masonry Coating

(Size: 46.5 KB)
BASF COMFORT FOAM 178-LDW B-RESIN MSDS,materials safety data sheet,technical bulletin,safety,first aid,storage,handling

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Benchmark Base Coat MSDS,36897,36905,37419,036897,036905,037419, technical bulletin

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benchmark top coat white msds,36913,36921,37424,036913,036921,037424, technical bulletin

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butyl tape msds,technical bulletin,butel,55483,55178,55491,55186,055483,055178,055491,055186,tape

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EQUINOX® Base Coat Specification Data Sheet (SDS)

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Flexion Bonding Adhesive SDS, technical bulletin,057081,57081

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PVC/Elvaloy single-ply roofing system membrane,storage and handling,technical bulletin,exposure controls Part Numbers 058123, 058126, 058129

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ISO Board MSDS, Insulation, Boardstock, 056531,56531,056549,56549,056556,56556,056564,56564,56572,056572

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Kwik Kaulk Acrylic Caulking Compound Fastener Grade MSDS,37499,40566,39404,039404,040566,037499,chemical composition, safety procedures, storage and handling

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OUTPOST® TPO Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

(Size: 75.4 KB)
Prime Time Primer for Conklin Acrylic Materials Safety Data Sheet,msds,technical bulletin,6379,6395,6387,006379,006395,006387

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rapid roof III base coat msds,technical bulletin, 37242,37259,37390,037242,037259,037390

(Size: 75.3 KB)
Rapid Roof III Top Coat, White, SDS materials safety sheet,technical bulletin,chemical,physical properties,37275,037275,37879,037879,37838,037838,first aid,handling,storage,rapidroof,3

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Rapid Roof® HV Top Coat ( white ) MSDS,technical bulletin, 37010,37028,37440,037010,037028,037440

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Rust Off Rust and Oxide Remover MSDS,technical bulletin,002560

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Spun Flex Fabric Reinforcement for Roofing spec sheet,technical bulletin,knit polyester,reinforcing,renforcement,reinforcemet,50633,050633,50625,050625,54684,054684,56326,056326,tensile strength,tear,benchmark,rapid roof III.HV

(Size: 75.1 KB)
Tack Coat Single Ply Membrane Primer MSDS,technical bulletin,40101,40113,040101,040113

(Size: 137.7 KB)
WAC II High Strength Roof Cleaner MSDS,technical bulletin,40121,40125,040121,040125

(Size: 257.6 KB)
Reactor Error Code Trouble Shooting Guide,foam sprayer,e24,E24,maintenance,repair,machine specs,technical support,spray foam machine,nozzle,mix

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2025 Preferred Contractor Destinations Trip Rules
Enrollment Forms

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2025 Roofing Systems Distributor Enrollment Form
Catalogs and Pricing

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Conklin Roofing Systems Catalog,full color glossy printed,fee paid sales aid,roofing systems,specialty coatings,78319,078319,buidling products
Business Development

(Size: 69.4 KB)
Pressure Gauges Don't Lie,foam sprayer,maintenance,e24,E24,repair,graco,machine specs,technical support,spray foam machine,nozzle,mix

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Calculating Surface Area of Quonset Hut Roof,guide,roofing quonset,corrugated roof,estimating amounts needed

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Roofing Systems Cold-Calling Business Tips

(Size: 100.8 KB)
Roofing Systems Direct Mail Business Tips

(Size: 336 KB)
Roofing Systems Email Marketing Business Tips

(Size: 308.8 KB)
Roofing Systems In-Person Cold-Calling Business Tips

(Size: 261.5 KB)
Roofing Systems Social Media Business Tips

(Size: 1.2 MB)
EQUINOX® Extended Season Roofing Coating Brochure